POST#14: Driving Growth for Keybox System

Hey there, fellow enthusiasts of innovative solutions! We hope you have already heard about the KeyBox System – a game-changer in access management that’s poised to revolutionize the way we handle physical keys. If this project is new to you, read other posts from our blog or click here.

But guess what? We’re not here just to talk about our product,
we want you to be an integ
ral part of its growth story!

We value our community

We believe that the more the better, and we value the advice we get from more experienced developers. Taking that into consideration we have decided to keep our product open source and share the whole process of making KeyBox System on our social media. As a team, we invite developers to join our Discord community where we share our progress, tech choices, and celebrate our successes. Other social media platforms focus on the general story of the project. 

What comes next?

Our team has been working hard on enhancing and improving our product to meet the needs and expectations of our customers. We’re almost finished putting together the latest prototype and are seeking our first beta testers to try it out. At this moment, we are targeting industrial factories. Please contact us if you’re interested in testing our product, or if you know someone we should reach out to. We would be thrilled to hear from you!

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