latest posts

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POST#14: Driving Growth for Keybox System
Hey there, fellow enthusiasts of innovative solutions! We hope you have already heard about the KeyBox System – a game-changer in access management...
POST#13: Our Idea Turns Into Reality
We have done some significant steps towards a functional product and we would like to give you an update.  If you want to know the reason behind us choosing...
POST#12: An Important Key Went Missing Again!
A successful project The project for summer 2022 has proven that a group of passionate students can accomplish a lot over one summer holiday. Taking this...
POST#11 Building Our First Prototypes
From an idea to a prototype If you are following us from the beginning, you should probably remember what our first ever-built IoT device looked like. Since...
POST#10 Meet JetBrains - Our Work Environment
During this project we tried a lot of dev tools. In response to your questions, we want to share with you our experience and introduce the best solution....
POST#9 End Of The Project!
That was intense 2 months of work. Everyone did excellent work. Not only the project has been completed. We have than more than that: we started developing...
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